Consider Using $149 Million for Housing on City Owned Land, Not Precinct
Hello Counclmember O’Brien and Sawant, Thank you for your vote, Councilmember O’Brien, against the $149 million dollar precinct building. I find it bewildering that the City is about to spend that kind of money on that kind of project. It is one building. Not that long ago, City staff found that Councilmember Sawant’s proposal to build […]
The Problem With the Term “Displacement”
I have a post up at Forbes that lays out and refines a bit my concerns about the term, “Displacement.” Unless and until there is a quantitative definition and measurement of displacement we ought to stop using the term. Compassion? Absolutely. Many people in our local economy are suffering. In fact, tonight, thousands of people […]
Chaotic Council Meeting Includes Low Key Passage of Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning
Members of the Seattle City Council sat motionless for about two hours yesterday while they were bombarded by an overflow crowd demanding that the City not build a new $160 million dollar precinct building in north Seattle. After completely losing control of the meeting on more than one occasion, Council President Bruce Harrell shut the […]