Trends to Watch in 2017: An Upsurge of Identity Politics
Something to watch unfold this year in Seattle as we try to work on the housing shortage which is leading to higher prices, is an upsurge of identity politics associated with housing. As a person of color (or POC as we’re called) I am concerned about the growing role that race is taking in our […]
Trends to Watch in 2017: Uncertainty in the Land Market Created by MIZ
Almost every forecast for single-family home prices and for apartment rents is indicating that prices will still be going up because of a lack of inventory. This means buildable land will also be more expensive. But I think a trend to watch will be growing uncertainty among both sellers of land and buyers created by the Seattle […]
What Is To Be Done?: Taking on 2017 and Beyond
Councilmember Tim Burgess’ announcement that he will not seek reelection to the Seattle City Council has sparked early conversation among people who build and operate housing about who we should support in 2017. My simple answer is no one, since it is very unlikely that a candidate will emerge that will truly represent our concerns […]