David Neiman: Some Basic Facts on Small Efficiency Dwelling Units
On February 16th, the Construction Code Advisory Board (CCAB) will make a final recommendation on reconciling the conflicts between the land use code which sets a minimum unit size for apartments at 220 square feet and the building code that has strong minimum size requirements within those units for habitability. This issue was hotly contested […]
Seattle is Not a “Welcoming City”
On Monday of this week Seattle declared itself a “Welcoming City” in the face of President Trump’s actions on immigration. I don’t exactly understand what this declaration means. And local politicians are almost dizzy with excitement as they run around from place to place making statements denouncing the President’s latest moves. It’s almost as if […]
Density’s Lament
For several years I was King County’s “Tobacco Tzar,” charged with creating, explaining, and enforcing rules and laws intended to limit the deadly effects of the leading preventable cause of death, cigarettes and tobacco. Even with all the controversy that swirled around the issue and me, we overcame opposition both within King County, public health, […]