Guest Post: Attract Private Investors to Finance Housing for the Homeless

When the Mayor declared Seattle’s homelessness epidemic a state of emergency one year ago, he reported that more money should be spent on “housing-focused” solutions.[1] Providing immediate access to permanent supportive housing has been proven effective in ending chronic homelessness.[2] Last September, the city issued a “Pathways Home” plan for tackling the homelessness emergency. Marking […]

Master Builder: Reducing Costs of Building is in Everyone’s Interest

In this month’s Master Builder Magazine, I’ve articulated our argument for getting more efficient in the way resources are being used to produce non-profit affordable housing in Washington State. Bringing up this point, that low-income units produced by non-profit organizations are very expensive, makes many people unhappy. They often say, “Your math is wrong,” or, […]

CCAB Chooses Slightly More Flexibility for SEDUs

The months long progress over inches and feet at the Construction Code Advisory Board (CCAB) has come to a close and a recommendation has been made to modestly improve the friction between the land use code that allows a minimum sized unit for Small Efficiency Dwelling Units (SEDUs) of 220 square feet and the building […]