Cost Per Unit: The High Price of Non-Profit Subsidized Housing

I’ve been pointing out the high cost of affordable housing for awhile now. I have referred to the cost by talking about the cost per unit, and highlighting the 12th Avenue Arts project on Capitol Hill in particular. What I have found interesting is how often I am told, “That’s not a fair way to […]

March on Amazon? Maybe it’s Not Such a Bad Idea!

So the flier in the featured image of this post has been showing up on line lately. Here’s the details from a Facebook post: On May 1st, 2017, we are calling on all interested and affected parties to converge on Westlake Park to march on Amazon HQ in South Lake Union. We will rally at […]

Sightline Corroborates Our Message….Again!

Dan Bertolet at the Sightline Institute has delivered his promised post on the impact of Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) on low-rise zones in the city. The news is what we’ve been saying a million times: MIZ won’t work and will actually make prices for housing in Seattle worse, not better. Indeed, my previous case studies […]