Surprise! Rental Inspection Program Isn’t Working

The Stranger and others have raised more hue and cry about the City’s failing Rental Registration and Inspection Ordinance (RRIO) is, as we pointed out a year ago, failing. The pattern has been consistent: both the press, tenant activists, and Councilmember Sawant and her colleagues that blindly follow her on Council pass legislation and write […]

Non-Profit Uses Vacant Homes to Support Re-Entry From Prison

Currently the City is considering “doing something” about the fact that many people with criminal offenses on their record have a difficult time finding a place to live. It is a real problem. But in true form, the Council simply wants to mandate that people who rent housing would have to simply ignore that record […]

For Candidates: What’s Wrong With Seattle’s Mandatory Housing Affordability Program?

We’ve been working on a concise, one page description for candidates about why the City’s headlong rush into the disastrous policy of Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) is, well, disastrous. I still hear candidates calling the Grand Bargain, “HALA” and talking bout upzones associated with MIZ as “HALA” or “I support HALA,” or “I oppose HALA” […]