The Dori Monson Show Highlights Non-Proift Housing Industrial Complex

Once again Dori Monson gets it and then says something about it. And, as I wrote last week here and at Forbes, Governor Jay Inslee simply doesn’t get how housing works; or he does and he doesn’t want anyone to know about it. Every time I point out and criticize spendy subsidized projects, I get […]

Happy 4th of July: Taxes, Revolution, and Housing

I always try to write something for the July 4th holiday, whether it is on Facebook or here or somewhere else. The holiday for me has always aroused mixed feelings. There’s the crowds and the heat, but also the food and, sometimes, connecting with people in backyards or some public place or somewhere with an […]

Governor Inslee Fails Simple Test and Vetos a Study on Housing Costs

Over the last year two years, non-profit housing agencies, the Capitol Hill Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) and El Centro De La Raza (El Centro), each completed a housing projects, CHIP on Capitol Hill in 2015 and El Centro on Beacon Hill last year, in 2016. The CHIP project has 88 units of housing and the […]