Durkan, Moon: Please Focus on Real Housing Solutions!
I realized last week that both candidates for Mayor are pursuing policies that are out of the scope of the job of Mayor and distractions from the pressing needs we have for more housing and a better approach to growth. Jenny Durkan has decided to pay for two years of college for high school graduates […]
Mayor and Council: It’s Time to Assess How Much You’ve Pushed Up Housing Costs
We’ve been here before. The Council and Mayor have been on a regulatory spree over the last several years, killing small-lot development, mircohousing, downzoning the low-rise zones, imposing unhelpful laws affecting tenants and landlords, and they are poised to do more. Meanwhile, they can’t muster up enough courage to fix the problems with the definition […]
Jesus, Hayek, and Friedman Walk Into a Homeless Encampment….
I’ve known Brice Maryman for a decade now. Maryman emerged as a leader both in the field of landscape architecture but also as a community leader for parks in Seattle. Sometimes Maryman and I would even have good natured banter about whether a particular parcel ought to be a park or housing. But Maryman gets […]