On the Radio: So Far, Not So Good for Mayor Elect Durkan

I was on the Dave Ross show last week and KIRO has posted our full almost 20 minute interview. In our talk I cover a lot of our key messages and points about housing in Seattle. If you have the time it is worth a listen or you can read an article digest of the […]

Durkan Transition: One Market Rate Developer, Seven Non-Profits, No Landlords

I know. I’ve already been taken to task for being to hard on the new Durkan administration. Not even a week has passed and here I am being critical. But look at the long list of people Durkan has appointed to her transition team. Lots of bright and highly motivated people, so no criticism there. […]

The Way Back Machine: How and Why Neighborhood Planning Worked

This is part of a series looking back at 20 years of land use, planning, and housing policy history leading up to the state we’re in today. Last week I looked back at my role as a Neighborhood Development Manager. Pictured above are the two Mayor’s that presided over the decade of planning and implementation […]