The Three Powerful Myths Keeping MIZ Alive

I’ve been in Mexico on a last minute trip. Maybe I got too much sun. But I was suddenly struck with why Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) has been so hard to fight or even engage over. Both supporters and opponents just seem to fade away when they learn that people who build housing oppose MIZ […]

Good News? Neighborhood Groups Launch Appeal of MIZ

Well, it’s no surprise that neighborhood groups are cranking up their appeal machine to go after Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning (MIZ) or as the City terms it, Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA). Hallelujah! That’s right, we must cheer them on. As I’ve pointed out many times, we dislike MIZ as much if not more than angry neighbors. […]

Happy Thanksgiving! Parable of the Pies

t was thanksgiving. The family was looking forward to its usual gathering. Everyone would be there, brothers and sisters, and even a few more distant relatives that had moved far away. Much planning had gone into the event; for months before careful counts were made of guests, estimates of food were made, and careful seating […]