Why Vote “No” on the Housing Levy?
If you’re reading this, there is a pretty good chance you have read the voter’s guide and asked yourself, “Who would oppose the housing levy?” It has taken a long chain of abuses and misgovernment for me to turn against Seattle’s housing levy, a measure I supported the last time it was on the ballot […]
Something New: Everything Urban
How about a podcast? Well, Tim Dubois has invited me to collaborate on his efforts to get the conversation going on alternative views about housing, land use, and urban planning. This isn’t the usual YIMBY stuff. We’re hoping to mix banter on economics and public policy with some ideas about how cities can make way […]
Up In Smoke: Seattle Favors Money Supply Over Housing Supply
Somehow, growing up in the 1970s and 80s, I missed seeing any Cheech and Chong movies. But not that long ago, I watched some clips of the duo in action. I think they are adequate mascots if not analogs for Seattle’s political class. After wrenching more than $750 million for housing, local tubthumpers want more […]